# Caoutsearch \ˈkawt͡ˈsɝtʃ\

Gem Version CI Status Ruby Style Guide Maintainability Test Coverage

JRuby Truffle Ruby

!! Gem under development before public release !!

Caoutsearch is a new Elasticsearch integration for Ruby and/or Rails.
It provides a simple but powerful DSL to perform complex indexing and searching, while securely exposing search criteria to a public and chainable API, without overwhelming your models.

Caoutsearch only supports Elasticsearch 8.x right now.
It is used in production in a robust application, updated and maintained for several years at Mon Territoire.

Caoutsearch was inspired by awesome gems such as elasticsearch-rails or search_flip.
Depending on your search scenarios, they may better suite your needs.

# Documentation

Visit our offical documentation to understand how to use Caoutsearch.

# Installation

Add the gem in your Gemfile:

bundle add caoutsearch

# Overview

Caoutsearch let you create Index and Search classes to manipulate your data :

class ArticleIndex < Caoutsearch::Index::Base
  property :title
  property :published_on
  property :tags

  def tags

class ArticleSearch < Caoutsearch::Search::Base
  filter :title, as: :match
  filter :published_on, as: :date
  filter :tags

  has_aggregation :popular_tags, {
    filter: { term: { published: true } },
    aggs: {
      published: {
        terms: { field: :tags, size: 10 }

ArticleSearch.search(published_on: [["now-1y", nil]]).aggregate(:popular_tags)

# Contributing

  1. Don't hesitate to submit your feature/idea/fix in issues
  2. Fork the repository
  3. Create your feature branch
  4. Ensure RSpec & Rubocop are passing
  5. Create a pull request

# Tests & lint

bundle exec rspec
bundle exec rubocop
bundle exec standardrb

To run RSpec against various version of Rails dependencies:

bundle exec appraisal install
bundle exec appraisal rspec

All of them can be run with:

bundle exec rake

# License & credits

Please see LICENSE for further details.

Contributors: ./graphs/contributors